Sunday, May 13, 2007

Blur~ And more Blur!

Saturday! A day which I can sleep till afternoon! Hurray! Hehex.. (^o^) Today got work so sleep till 2pm “only”... Wake up le nothing to do so went online to play games.. Hehex.. Today very happy... cause KW starting his first day of work in GV... But he’s luckier than me... I was station in candy bar while he just need to stand there and tear tickets... This is so unfair! (>.<)" Lol...
During my train ride to work I saw Chris... Guess he didn't saw me bahx.. Well.. He's still the same... Tall,.. white,... and nerd looking??? Hahax..! (>.<)" Not much difference... Then don't know why feels kind of miss "Tonkichi".. Haiz... (-o-)" When I reach some place near my workplace, I got a call from GV again! God...! This is how the conversation goes:
Manager: Can I speak to Yong Chuan?
Me: Yes I'm
Manager: Yong Chuan, you know you got work today?
Me: Yup, 6.15pm
Manager: Nono.. You start work at 5.15pm... (-o-)"
Me: Huh!!! (Shocked) But I thought it's 6.15pm... (>.<)" Manager: Where you now..?
Me: I reach le.. Coming now..
Manager: Okok.. Bye~
Ahh...! So I was late again.. Guess I was super blur this week... Can’t do anything right… Sob. . .


Blogger Daphne said...

Hihi! Uncle! Its me! daphne. haha.

U r always vewry blur if not call u P1 forwat. haha. -this is my blog. feel free to see but not always i will update hor. dun take it for granted. add me in msn leh.


May 15, 2007 at 7:55 AM  

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