Saturday, April 28, 2007

Exciting ~

Watching the same movie for 3 times is crazy.. But 4 times!! Oh man.. That's incredibly insane...! (>.<) Which is what I am lar! Today went to Jurong East Entertainment to watch movie.. I really wanted to watch “wild hogs”... But in the end I did the same mistake.. Brought the "200 pounds Beauty" ticket... (-_-)" Watching the same movie for the 4th times, the stronger the emotions I felt... Can't understand? (@-@)?? Hah! Let me explain...
1st: I seat in the middle row of the cinema...
2nd: There is 1 couple on my left and 1 on my right...
3rd: In front of me is one group of students and behind me is a group of guys...
4th: When the movie reaches the most touching part, the girls on my left and right started to cry...
5th: 1 girl and 1 boy in front of me cried and 1 guy behind me sniff...
6th: After seeing them cry, my eyes kind of starts to leak... But I did mange myself not to start crying... *(>.<) Got what I mean..? Haiz...

It's 2am after watching the show and I have to walk home again.. This is the exciting part.. I was being followed by a stranger!!! *(+o+) God! I was like walking for 5mins then I realized that there is 1 person who keeps following me.. It's a man age around 30+ bahx... Can't really see him clearly cause we are standing at a distance... Damn it! I had to walk a big round just to shake him off... Even had to run at one point!!! (-_-)" Still, I managed to reach home safely... Now nothing to do so was viewing my friends blog.. Haiz...
I'm bored!~


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