Sunday, May 13, 2007

Unlucky~ Blur~ Tired!

Thursday (03/05/2007)
Ahh...! So unlucky.. Or rather blur? (-o-)" Today's tutorial is on E-Procurement.. But I brought Global Supply Chain Notes.. Haiz.. Throughout the whole tutorial don't know what to do.. Luckily only go through 3 Qns... (>o<)"
After school while walking to the MRT Station, got tripped by the protruding tiles on the floor.. Nearly fall down but mange to balance myself.. Ahh...! So embarrassed! (#o#)"
When reach home feels very tired so bath le then go take a nap... Slept at 6pm but got wake up at 6.45pm by a call from GV... I got work today!! OMG! I was supposed to start work at 5.15pm but I was still at home.. Sleeping! God..! (#o#)" Quickly dress myself, grab my bag then rush off.. Reach GV at around 8pm.. Haiz.. I saw the wrong schedule.. Thought I didn't work today... Very blur liao...! (-o-)" Haiz...~ I'm confused, blur, unlucky and tired... I need a break! (>.<)"


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