Wednesday, May 2, 2007

It's Over ~

Miserable + Depression = Suicide Result...? (>.<) Haiz.. I just got back my result.. It's actually met my expectation but somehow I just feel that it can go a little bit more... Wasn't really happy about it actually.. I guess all Humans are greedy bahx… ... (-o-)
Thought of a few things too.. Think there will be a 80% chance for me to drop Calculus Maths... Since I need to focus more on my other modules... Wonder if I can really make it...

When the result's out,
I keep finding ways to console myself.
This is what I thought:
"Don't worry, You can do better the next time"
But can I really make it?
Running away from reality is so easy,
Yet facing it can be such a tedious task.
I keep asking myself,
“Can I do it? Can I make it?”
And slowly, very slowly, I begin to stand up again..
Life is always full of hope,
It's just depends on how we look at it...

I want to eat Hot Fudge Sundae!!! (>.<) Hehex.. (o^.^o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

chuan ar chuan! dun be too greedy! be contented with everythings alrite!! takecare~

May 2, 2007 at 9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


May 3, 2007 at 9:37 AM  

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