Sunday, May 20, 2007

Frustrated ~

Just recall what Abbie has said yesterday about left hander... "Left hander is very creative person but they have one huge disadvantage that is they do not have good EQ or rather public / personal relations. They will find it quite challenging or rather difficult to mix with people"... (-o-)" I think this is true bahx since I don't talk much to my friends, I don't mix with them quite often... And I like to be kind of alone most of the times... Not that I'm a loner... Just that I find it more comfortable to be alone rather to be with someone else where you cannot be the person you truly are... Do you Understand? Do you know how it feels? Haiz.. Just can't stop thinking about it.. Hated myself so much... (>.<)"

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Blur~ And more Blur!

Saturday! A day which I can sleep till afternoon! Hurray! Hehex.. (^o^) Today got work so sleep till 2pm “only”... Wake up le nothing to do so went online to play games.. Hehex.. Today very happy... cause KW starting his first day of work in GV... But he’s luckier than me... I was station in candy bar while he just need to stand there and tear tickets... This is so unfair! (>.<)" Lol...
During my train ride to work I saw Chris... Guess he didn't saw me bahx.. Well.. He's still the same... Tall,.. white,... and nerd looking??? Hahax..! (>.<)" Not much difference... Then don't know why feels kind of miss "Tonkichi".. Haiz... (-o-)" When I reach some place near my workplace, I got a call from GV again! God...! This is how the conversation goes:
Manager: Can I speak to Yong Chuan?
Me: Yes I'm
Manager: Yong Chuan, you know you got work today?
Me: Yup, 6.15pm
Manager: Nono.. You start work at 5.15pm... (-o-)"
Me: Huh!!! (Shocked) But I thought it's 6.15pm... (>.<)" Manager: Where you now..?
Me: I reach le.. Coming now..
Manager: Okok.. Bye~
Ahh...! So I was late again.. Guess I was super blur this week... Can’t do anything right… Sob. . .

Unlucky~ Blur~ Tired!

Thursday (03/05/2007)
Ahh...! So unlucky.. Or rather blur? (-o-)" Today's tutorial is on E-Procurement.. But I brought Global Supply Chain Notes.. Haiz.. Throughout the whole tutorial don't know what to do.. Luckily only go through 3 Qns... (>o<)"
After school while walking to the MRT Station, got tripped by the protruding tiles on the floor.. Nearly fall down but mange to balance myself.. Ahh...! So embarrassed! (#o#)"
When reach home feels very tired so bath le then go take a nap... Slept at 6pm but got wake up at 6.45pm by a call from GV... I got work today!! OMG! I was supposed to start work at 5.15pm but I was still at home.. Sleeping! God..! (#o#)" Quickly dress myself, grab my bag then rush off.. Reach GV at around 8pm.. Haiz.. I saw the wrong schedule.. Thought I didn't work today... Very blur liao...! (-o-)" Haiz...~ I'm confused, blur, unlucky and tired... I need a break! (>.<)"

Friday, May 4, 2007

Ouch x2!

Today after school went to South Canteen to have my lunch... Aunty gave me a large plate of chicken chop! Yummy! Hehex.. (^(o.o)^)" After finished my lunch me and Benson walk back to the business block.. On the way I saw “her”.. She was with a group of friends... Ouch! Heart suddenly became very pain and all the emotions came in.. (Due to some reason)... (-o-) Ask Benson walk faster.. Walk past her without her noticing.. Haiz.. At least the pain is over now at the moment... (>.<)
Ahh!! My hand got scaled by Popcorns!!! Ouch! (>.<)".. Today is my first day of work at GV! The people there are all very interesting... Hm… How to say...? I also don't know.. Hahax.. Most of them are funny.. Like to play jokes around.. Then keep asking me to drink and eat popcorn... Still ask me to take some pop corn home.. But I didn't la... Still.. There are some people which I don't like.. Or rather hate them.. Think only got 2 of them bahx... Anyway not all people are perfect... (-o-)
Standing beside the Popcorn machine the whole day can really make me sick..
1st: It's very oily to stand near it.. It feels as if your whole body is sticky
2nd: The smell of the oil is quite terrible… Yucks!
3rd: The Popcorns keep shooting at me!!! God! I was like dogging the popcorn attack! (>.<) Still, In the end I lose the battle.. Got my hand scaled.. Looks terrible.. Haiz.. My next mission: To conqure the Candy Floss Machine!!! Wahahax! Opps~ (o^.^o)

Overall it’s quite interesting working in GV... Meet many friendly people.. But to say the truth, it's tough... How? Doing closing you have to wash everything! From the stupid Popcorn machine to the Hot dog griller to washing the floor.. Tough heh.. Think I won’t work long bahx.. Just for 1 or 2 months… Since I need to focus on my studies.. See how first bahx… And now is 4am which is the time I just reach home... Haiz.. Go sleep le.. Hope my hands will heal tomorrow... Nitez..
(-o-) zZz...

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Happy ~

Yeah!! Finally knows how to includes song into my blog le... (>.<)".. Hehex..

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

It's Over ~

Miserable + Depression = Suicide Result...? (>.<) Haiz.. I just got back my result.. It's actually met my expectation but somehow I just feel that it can go a little bit more... Wasn't really happy about it actually.. I guess all Humans are greedy bahx… ... (-o-)
Thought of a few things too.. Think there will be a 80% chance for me to drop Calculus Maths... Since I need to focus more on my other modules... Wonder if I can really make it...

When the result's out,
I keep finding ways to console myself.
This is what I thought:
"Don't worry, You can do better the next time"
But can I really make it?
Running away from reality is so easy,
Yet facing it can be such a tedious task.
I keep asking myself,
“Can I do it? Can I make it?”
And slowly, very slowly, I begin to stand up again..
Life is always full of hope,
It's just depends on how we look at it...

I want to eat Hot Fudge Sundae!!! (>.<) Hehex.. (o^.^o)

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Lonely Days ~

Most people are anxious and excited over the start of Year 3 but it isn't the case for me. Today went back to school le.. Feels so horrible... Cause I'm going to be lonely soon... Why? You may ask.. Well, actually I'm not close to my classmate.. Not that I am Anti-Social or what but it's just that I can't seem to find anything common between me and them... (>.<) How to say...? Erm.. It's like I'm the kind of person who would be serious about my studies but they are not.. That's how i feel.. Or maybe I was wrong..
Haiz.. So throughout the whole day I was Kind of feeling a bit depressed... Worse, more "Group Projects" are coming and I do not know how to survive through it... (-o-)
I remembered one of the lecturer ask this question:

"Please introduce yourself to the class, state supply chain is your no. what choice and what you understand about supply chain"
So here goes my ideal answer:
"My name is blah blah blah and Supply Chain is my 1st choice. I am not interested in this course as it's dry and lifeless. I really regret choosing it in the first place. What I understand about supply chain...? Hmm.. Actually I don't understand a damn thing about it... Thank You."
(o^.^o) Lol.. But in the end this was not what I say... Haiz.. I really miss my BM0503 Classmates, Tep friends, Secondary School Friends, Primary School Friends, Working Friends and YJC Friends.. Especially those Tep Days.. sobs . . ...! (>.<)"