Sunday, June 24, 2007

Finally Falling Into Pieces ~

It's been a very long time since I last update my blog... Been very busy and lazy this few weeks... Busy for I need to work and study at the same time... Lazy as I would play games rather then blogging... Hehex... (>.<)"
Happy Parts
Things have been quite smooth this few weeks... Most of the things have fallen into pieces and I was very happy about it... How to explain? Hmm... I got a job which I find it quite interesting and have taken a liking to it (At the moment), I have known many new friends which are all crazy and funny!, I still can cope with my school work at the moment, and ... ... nothing le I guess.. Hahax... (^o^)
Stressful Parts
More projects and ICA is coming up... I wonder if I can cope with it... If not I will quit my job bahx... Hope they let me resign... Cause they all like me so much, afraid that later they don't allow me to resign... Wahaha! Opps…! (-o-)"
Ok... I was getting a bit crazy and lame here... Hehex… (>.<)"