Sunday, June 1, 2008

TimE FilEs~

Lolx.. I think it's super duper long since my last post... (>o<)" Hahax.. One more week and I'll go for national service lerx.. Haiz.. Need to enjoy my final one week break.. Hehex.. (^o^)

Anyway I just quitted my job... Previously working in OCBC Centre Finance Department as Assistant Officer.. The first day I went in I wanted to quit lerx.. Can't take the stress... But cannot quit cause need to commit at least 1 month... (-o-)" But thinking back, it's really fun working there.. Haiz.. Miss those days especially my new friends and all! Sadz..

Sunday, December 23, 2007

One Hundred Fifty Cartoon Friends~

Which one are you? Hahax (>.<)"

150 Cartoon Friends by ~thisisanton on deviantART

Monday, November 19, 2007


Haiz~ End of IPP went to East Coast Park with Buns for roller blading! Was feeling very excited but it didn't last very long though. . . After watching the Mid-Night Movies then suddenly don't feel like talking to anybody. . Lox. . Maybe it's like this everytime I watch a movie. . (>o<) Mood became bad. . Easily will get very fed-up and most of the times wanted to shout/beat-up or "Kill" the person who I see "Bu Shuang" or irritates me. . Scary Hor~ Still I manage to control myself very well. . . (^o^)
Went to HX house ton and the next morning went for BBQ. . (-o-) Damn, the mood is getting worse till I show glommy face to the Buns throughout the BBQ. . . Then don't want to go K-box. . Felt a little bit guilty now. . . Anyway after the K-box session feels a lot better. . . Lolx. . . Also don't understand why~ Haiz. . . (-o-)
Chiam Yong Chuan~Liaison Officer~HotDogBuns Federation

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Finally Falling Into Pieces ~

It's been a very long time since I last update my blog... Been very busy and lazy this few weeks... Busy for I need to work and study at the same time... Lazy as I would play games rather then blogging... Hehex... (>.<)"
Happy Parts
Things have been quite smooth this few weeks... Most of the things have fallen into pieces and I was very happy about it... How to explain? Hmm... I got a job which I find it quite interesting and have taken a liking to it (At the moment), I have known many new friends which are all crazy and funny!, I still can cope with my school work at the moment, and ... ... nothing le I guess.. Hahax... (^o^)
Stressful Parts
More projects and ICA is coming up... I wonder if I can cope with it... If not I will quit my job bahx... Hope they let me resign... Cause they all like me so much, afraid that later they don't allow me to resign... Wahaha! Opps…! (-o-)"
Ok... I was getting a bit crazy and lame here... Hehex… (>.<)"

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Frustrated ~

Just recall what Abbie has said yesterday about left hander... "Left hander is very creative person but they have one huge disadvantage that is they do not have good EQ or rather public / personal relations. They will find it quite challenging or rather difficult to mix with people"... (-o-)" I think this is true bahx since I don't talk much to my friends, I don't mix with them quite often... And I like to be kind of alone most of the times... Not that I'm a loner... Just that I find it more comfortable to be alone rather to be with someone else where you cannot be the person you truly are... Do you Understand? Do you know how it feels? Haiz.. Just can't stop thinking about it.. Hated myself so much... (>.<)"

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Blur~ And more Blur!

Saturday! A day which I can sleep till afternoon! Hurray! Hehex.. (^o^) Today got work so sleep till 2pm “only”... Wake up le nothing to do so went online to play games.. Hehex.. Today very happy... cause KW starting his first day of work in GV... But he’s luckier than me... I was station in candy bar while he just need to stand there and tear tickets... This is so unfair! (>.<)" Lol...
During my train ride to work I saw Chris... Guess he didn't saw me bahx.. Well.. He's still the same... Tall,.. white,... and nerd looking??? Hahax..! (>.<)" Not much difference... Then don't know why feels kind of miss "Tonkichi".. Haiz... (-o-)" When I reach some place near my workplace, I got a call from GV again! God...! This is how the conversation goes:
Manager: Can I speak to Yong Chuan?
Me: Yes I'm
Manager: Yong Chuan, you know you got work today?
Me: Yup, 6.15pm
Manager: Nono.. You start work at 5.15pm... (-o-)"
Me: Huh!!! (Shocked) But I thought it's 6.15pm... (>.<)" Manager: Where you now..?
Me: I reach le.. Coming now..
Manager: Okok.. Bye~
Ahh...! So I was late again.. Guess I was super blur this week... Can’t do anything right… Sob. . .

Unlucky~ Blur~ Tired!

Thursday (03/05/2007)
Ahh...! So unlucky.. Or rather blur? (-o-)" Today's tutorial is on E-Procurement.. But I brought Global Supply Chain Notes.. Haiz.. Throughout the whole tutorial don't know what to do.. Luckily only go through 3 Qns... (>o<)"
After school while walking to the MRT Station, got tripped by the protruding tiles on the floor.. Nearly fall down but mange to balance myself.. Ahh...! So embarrassed! (#o#)"
When reach home feels very tired so bath le then go take a nap... Slept at 6pm but got wake up at 6.45pm by a call from GV... I got work today!! OMG! I was supposed to start work at 5.15pm but I was still at home.. Sleeping! God..! (#o#)" Quickly dress myself, grab my bag then rush off.. Reach GV at around 8pm.. Haiz.. I saw the wrong schedule.. Thought I didn't work today... Very blur liao...! (-o-)" Haiz...~ I'm confused, blur, unlucky and tired... I need a break! (>.<)"